My husband is 53 in good shape; however, last Friday we had eaten dinner later in the evening than we usually due. He said that dinner wasn t sitting very well (like a rock). He woke up in the middle of the night vomiting several times. The next day he had a bowl of chicken noodle soup and through that up too. Wednesday he called and scheduled an appointment with the doctor; but he didnt tell them the symptoms that he has been having. They are just going to give him a check up. My worry is by waiting so long is he making it worse especially if it something serious. He started his regular eating; breakfast consists of a bowl of raisin bran(we buy bran flakes and mix raisins in). He doesn t like the ones already packaged because of all of the extra sugar. And an 8oz glass of v8. For lunch he has a cup of homemade yogurt w/ fruit (mostly fresh), and a piece of fruit, and a bagel. He says that he doesn t have sharp pain he did have to take some fiber because it doesn t feel like his stomach is digesting the food.Says that it just indigestion and constipation. He also has bouts of diarrhea. I told him it would be very helpful to write done his symptoms and when they happen. I had emergency gallbladder surgery in 2002 but he doesn t think it is his gallbladder, or appendix. I am worried it may be some thing serious like his pancreas but he doesn t think so. I hope that I have given the most important facts. Oh, and he doesn t feel it is gird either. I understand that you cannot provide a diagnosis on line especially when you don t have a complete health history and you haven t been able to see the patient in person. I told him to call the doctor back and give them the symptoms that he has been experiencing so they could get him in earlier; however, he thinks he will be okay until Tuesday. He is a very smart person, but I think he doesn t feel the urgency he should be. Thank you for your time and opinion. I appreciate all of you who take such good care for all of us.